Tiffany Eng
Monarch 2014
Policy Director, AYPAL
Tiffany is an educator, advocate, and artist who has worked alongside youth and families from Southern California to the Bay Area for the past sixteen years.
Tiffany devoted nine years of her career to AYPAL: Building API Community Power, a leadership development and organization program for API youth in Oakland. She first served as a Site Organizer, helping youth workers organize fellow students; then moved on to serve as a Co-director, providing strategic leadership and program oversight; and finally, she became Policy Director.
One of her greatest accomplishments at AYPAL was working tirelessly with the Campaign for Quality Education coalition to win a monumental new state school finance system that prioritizes more resources for low-income and English learner students.
Tiffany is transforming her hunger for social justice by pursuing a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning at U.C. Berkeley. Her focus in environmental planning will help further her goal of promoting sustainable community development.